Category: General

“GO BE GREAT!” I heard this said to me by one of my greatest mentors, Michael Bernoff. He said begin your day assuming you are already great and then go be great. Consider that for a moment. What if you started your day with that statement? What if you said that prior to walking into...

The easiest and quickest ways to improve your health are simple: Brush your teeth for 2 minutes at least twice a day Floss after every meal This information isn’t new and yet the majority of patients do not floss on a regular basis. People prefer brushing over flossing yet just like peanut butter and jelly...

If you ask our 8-year-old son why dental cleanings are important, he will answer, “Because Mommy and Daddy said so.” Having both his parents as dentists, that is the response we expect from him. If he didn’t say that, well…then my husband and I need to go back to the drawing board.  If you ask...

Have you ever noticed that your bite feels different when you are laying down versus sitting up? Or, how about after a restless night of grinding and clenching? How about after getting a new crown or bridge? If you answered “YES!” to any of the questions above, realize this is a common phenomenon. There are...

When was the last time you asked yourself the question, “What is important to me?” If you have to stop to answer this, then it’s likely you have not asked yourself this question enough. It’s a simple question yet most people, including myself, struggle to answer this and that’s because we don’t ask this question...

Did you know that we have dental imaging equipment that can save your life? YES, we do! A CBCT is cone beam computed tomography. It is technology that converts images into a three-dimensional (3D) image. Compared to traditional dental x-rays which are two-dimensional (2D), CBCT imaging can give us more detailed information about your teeth...

Did you know that every 2nd week of April, we celebrate dentist hygienists across the United States? When the time came to celebrate them, we did just that and it was a blast! We celebrated each and every one of our hygienists this month with so much joy, laughter and appreciation for all that they...

“The world rewards those in motion.” – Michael Bernoff This quote is my absolute favorite. I heard these powerful words spoken by Michael Bernoff, a personal development and life coach, during one of his coaching sessions in March of 2020. It clicked with me naturally and has stayed with me ever since that day. I...

Many of our patients have wondered how we met, and many assume that we met in school. The answer is…we sort of met in school. Read on to find out how we truly met. We met while I was a dental resident in the Lutheran Medical Center's Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) Program in...

Creative Smiles Dentistry Celebrates Healthy Hearts and Healthy Gums During the Month of February ❤️ Did you know that February is Gum Disease Awareness Month as well as American Heart Month? It seems appropriate that we recognize gum disease and our heart during the month of love. Let us explain to you why. According to...

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