Is Your Smile Important To You?

When was the last time you asked yourself the question, “What is important to me?” If you have to stop to answer this, then it’s likely you have not asked yourself this question enough. It’s a simple question yet most people, including myself, struggle to answer this and that’s because we don’t ask this question enough to truly answer it.

I recently listened to a podcast episode that reflected on this question. The hostess points out how often we get caught in the day-to-day activities, like dropping off the kids to school, planning dinner, making dinner, doing laundry, answering emails, keeping up with Facebook and the many other typical to-do items and how we rarely stop to ask the question, “What’s important to me?” Imagine if we asked that question more often during the day? What would it do for you? She gives evidence that by asking this question, life will give you MORE of what you want. As I was listening to her speak, I reflected on this to find the “proof” behind what she stated.

And, then I found my proof. College was important to me. Graduating from USC School of Dentistry was important to me. Exercising on a regular basis is important to me. Spending quality time with my family is important to me. Can you see the possibility when asking this question more during the day? Looks and feels great, doesn’t it?

Now, imagine if you asked this question about your smile? What is important to you when it comes to your smile and oral health? As your dentist, we get the value of this question. We created a questionnaire form called the My Smile and we use it to help you discover what about your smile and oral health is important to you. It is such an exciting and eye-opening experience when reviewing this questionnaire with our patients. Below are some of the questions we ask:

  • What do you like BEST about your smile?
  • What do you like LEAST about your smile?
  • Are you able to chew/speak well?
  • If you could have ANY smile, my smile would look like…

Using the My Smile, we have helped our patients show off their smile more in photos, feel proud of their smile, get excited about their upcoming wedding, get a job promotion, lose weight, become less dependent on medications because their health has improved, gain more confidence… the list goes on and on.  

So, let’s ask this question more often than not and let us help you get MORE of what you want in life with a SMILE that reflects the best version of YOU!

-Dr. Jeannie Ju

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